
Survey Highlights Safety and Crime as Top Issues on Monroe Avenue.


The Monroe Avenue Revitalization Coalition held a town hall meeting Tuesday evening where neighbors, business owners, police and City Council members discussed the results of a community survey.

The survey allowed the public to voice concerns about Monroe Avenue and suggest possible solutions. The coalition released the survey on June 20 and it remained open until August 31.

The survey received more than 1,000 responses and more than half said crime, drugs, security and vagrancy were the main problems that needed to be improved.

When asked if Monroe Avenue was safe, only 15% agreed, and only 16% agreed it was family friendly.

Other common problems people wanted to improve included roads, intersections, crosswalks, and bike paths. Many also mentioned improving the appearance of storefronts and businesses.

In addition to raising concerns, respondents shared what they like about Monroe Avenue, such as the variety of small businesses, historic buildings and the overall positive atmosphere.

After discussing the results, participants suggested possible solutions. Ideas included providing resources for the homeless population, increasing police presence and reducing empty storefronts.

Rome Celli, president of the Upper Monroe Neighborhood Association, was surprised by the large crowd and appreciated people's contributions.

“A lot of good suggestions were made,” Celli said. “It’s clear that people care about rebooting Monroe Avenue. We want the community to drive a solutions-based process and with last night’s input we are off to a very good start.”

The coalition will hold a second meeting on December 2nd at the Lutheran Church of the Incarnate Word. This meeting is a working session to brainstorm ideas and next steps.

Kerria Weaver is a Government and You reporter for the Democrat and Chronicle, focusing on how government actions impact communities and neighborhoods in Rochester and Monroe County. Contact us at [email protected].