
Check out 3 quick and easy options


Halloween may be less than a week away, but a last-minute party invite may require whipping up a costume at a frightening pace.

Although pre-packaged costumes are an easy solution, they often end up in the back of the closet or in the trash can when spooky season is over. Researchers at Boston University estimated that Americans will have thrown away 34 billion pounds of textiles in 2022.

Using items you already find in your closet or clothes you can easily add to your collection can help reduce waste and make the vacation more unique.

Here are three easy last minute Halloween costumes.


Pulling a witch costume out of your closet at the last moment is a classic Halloween move, as it only requires a combination of black clothing items.

You can take a punk rock approach to the supernatural with black jeans, a black band t-shirt and boots. Want to make your witch a modern, sophisticated mid-century character? Put on a pencil dress, carry a cylindrical object and call it a Bauhaus wand.

The costume did not appear on Google's list of most popular costumes this year after coming in fourth place in 2023.


Waldo from the Where's Waldo picture books is an ideal Last Minuet costume because it only requires one identifiable item of clothing to wear

The character's red and white striped shirt is available at multiple retailers, and the jeans and sneakers that complete the outfit are wardrobe staples.

One can bring a wide range of attitudes to the costume since Waldo has no defined character outside of his appearance.


Hippie fashion is a cool way to turn casual basics into a Halloween statement.

Finding or making a tie-dye t-shirt will make it clear what the wearer wants, but a denim vest or jacket and unkempt hair will accentuate character.

Jeans are the top choice for bottoms. However, if time permits, wide-leg, wide-leg corduroy pants are also a great fashion option for both the suit and the rest of fall.