
Panwaslu Kecamatan Kampar Lantik 77 Orang Pengawas TPS Sekaligus Pembekalan.

Kampar – This is the selection of Pengawas TPS for Kecamatan PTPS will be conducted by Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak until 2024 in Kelurahan/Desa in Kecamatan Kampar.

Ketua Panwascam Kampar Dahrizal, M.Pd has been a TPS member for 77 years, a PTPS member since 2024. Senin (04/11/2024).

Turut Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut diantaranya Mantan Commisioner Bawaslu Riau Dr. M.Pd Anggota Herizal, S.Hut and Adhar Riandi, S.Kom, Kepala Secretariat Panwaslu Kecamatan Kampar Andrinur, S.Pd Beserta Staff, Kapolsek, Danramil, Plt. Secretariats Kecamatan Kampar, Panitia Pemilihan Kecamatan (PPK) Kampar Panwaslu Kelurahan/Desa (PKD) se Kecamatan Kampar.

The city of Kampar Dahrizal must be close to TPS by 2024.

Dahrizal Juga Menyampaikan Bahwa Pengawas TPS gives you the opportunity to read and read your texts by adding text, text and transparency to them. Tugas took his time until he managed to read the demo version.

Dahrizal pada kesempatan itu juga mengatakan, apapun yang manjadi kendala atau salahan dilapangan nantinya, jangan mengambil keputusan sendiri, mari kita kurukan komunikasi terlebih dahulu, karena ada tingkatan mulai diari PKD, Panwaslu Kecamatan serta Bawaslu Kabupaten, Bawaslu Provinsi Bawas lu RI.

This year, Kampar was selected by Fadriansyah, the S.Pd., as coordinator of the Pencegahan, Parmas and Humas division for the PTPS administration hapan pemungutan suara.

Fadriansyah berharap telah telah skaligus dilakukan nembekalan nichharapkan seluruh Pengawas TPS, dapat najalankan tgas baik baik sesuai nth telah entukan.

The TPS's primary job is to protect Narasumber from Dr. Neil Antariksa, A,Md,SH.MH. This is a PTPS teaching and PTPS teaching application. Materials associated with work, the mechanics, the work, the work, the work, the work, the work, the work and the work. (Diskominfo Kampar / Ags)