
A simulated bus accident occurs at Lincoln County Schools

LINCOLN COUNTY, W.Va. (WSAZ) – The Hamlin Volunteer Fire Department, Duval Volunteer Fire Department and Lincoln Emergency Services along with Lincoln County Schools came together to stage a simulated bus crash to practice their response.

“I think it was a wonderful learning experience for everyone,” said Peggy Stone, Lincoln County Schools transportation director.

Jimmy Lacy, state transportation director for the West Virginia Department of Education, said, “This doesn't happen often, but when an emergency actually occurs, it's good for the first responders, even the bus drivers and others.” The community needs to know how and what will happen in this situation.”

Such an exercise is important for local fire and rescue services so that they know how to correctly assess a situation.

“When it comes to a bus, you know that's a much larger vehicle and a lot more patients than a normal car accident. How many ambulances do we have to take out in a small community like ours, if we have 60 kids on the bus, how quickly can people get here?” Stone said.

Although it wasn't a real accident and no one was injured, the community and first responders now know exactly what to expect when something like this happens.

“I would rather be proactive about things like this, and later it's good that we should have done it this way or that way,” Stone said.